News Item: : FlyingGiants video contest
(Category: Galvenā)
Posted by al
Tuesday 10 October 2006 - 12:05:40
FlyingGiants - did this again! 2006 Flying Giants Style video contest is on !!!
Top pilots, awesome prizes, great list of members, killer flying and editing everything is here!
Take a look at viewing and voting pages.
(Not FG members have to register here first, before they can vote and watch the other video's.)
Donatas Pauzuolis videos can also be found here:
P.S. Visi tiek aicināti noskatīties visas video prezentācijas un nobalsot par Baltijas favorītu - Donatu!! Lai viņam veicās!
This news item is from Lidmodelistu klubs Nākotnes Vanagi
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